This semester has been over whelming when it comes to change.  just about six months ago I was still a little high school student in Georgetown.  In the midst of all this change it was nice to have the UGST class to keep me grounded.  College is so different than high school, and most of the time I love that.  But Some of the time it was nice to go to a small classroom with familiar faces and a teacher that truly cared about us each individually.  I made allot of friends in that class and hopefully we will stay that way for a long time.  I thought it was really great to have a class in which the sole purpose was to help me to well and excel in my other classes.  I know of about three tests I would have most definitely failed had it not been for my buddies in UGST and our study sessions.  I am excited for next semester, and getting closer to figuring out what is that i want to do, I will absolutely miss having UGST to come to every other day to keep my on track.  I look forward to meeting up with everyone again soon! GOODBYE!!!

I never realized how much we are actually saying when we are technically saying nothing at all!  Body language is allot more relevant than you may think.  I guess it is true what they say, “Actions speak louder than words.”  After watching that video, I found it interesting that not only does your body language speak to others… it speaks to you!  The study showed that just sitting in a more powerful pose could literally make you feel more powerful!  Now that I think about it, I really never think about how I am sitting or standing.  When I do though, it is usually in a way that would be classified as weak.  I always just tend to make myself smaller, especially in crowds or when meeting new people.  I always thought that it was polite to be like that, but I guess I have just been coming across timid to people my entire life.  I will definitely think about this more the next time i have an interview or important introduction of any kind.  Sometimes when it comes down to you and one other person getting a job, it is the little things that they look at… I would sure hate to lose a job opportunity because I did not hold myself in a professional manor or came across weak and unprepared.  I am going to go home now and practice standing like super woman! No one ever thought she was weak!

Sleep deprivation is definitely something that I struggle with.  So far it is not too bad, but I definitely do not get as much sleep as I did in high school.  I had no idea that there were so many different sleep disorders.  I do not think that I have an actual sleep disorder, it’s just that school and homework sometimes gets in the way.  It is scary to think that when you are driving sleep deprived, it can be just as bad as driving while you are extremely intoxicated… that is so dangerous!  Something else I did not know was that long naps are actually bad for sleep deprivation.  That is absolutely one of my problems.  I take extremely long naps whenever I can or have the time.  I just thought that I was catching up on sleep or storing it for later if you will,  but apparently that can really mess with your sleep schedule.  shortening or getting rid of my naps will really be tough on me… I have come to depend on them every day.  one of the signs of sleep deprivation is “falling asleep while reading”; this happens to me every time I pick up a book, but I just thought that I hated reading! I also usually have a really hard time staying awake during my  mid morning class.  In my earliest 9:00 A.M. I am very tired but I don’t feel like I am going to pass out the way I do in my 11:00 A.M.  Hopefully by the end of the year I will get my sleep schedule straitened out for good!

The way that I raised, I thought spirituality meant being a Christian and going to church.  Spirituality is actually allot more than that.  Anyone can be spiritual even if they do not believe in God.  For me spirituality is my faith and the holy spirit living inside of me guiding me in everyday  life.  I practice spirituality by prayer, my one on one time with God.  I do not treat prayer strictly, in fact I feel more as though I am just talking with God as a friend.  I would say that I meditate to some degree.  Sometimes I am not necessarily praying, but I take time out of my day to just be still and think.  Even though that has nothing to do with my Christianity, I think that is still considered spiritual.

I guess I am not really sure if this is considered a cultural group, but I indentify with Christians.  I am a Christian, and it is what defines me as a person.  Christians value high moral values in every aspect of life.  It is also important to us to spread the word of christ.  Sometimes the way Christians to that is strange or weirdly bold to other people.  Many Christians get called Bible thumpers, and honestly I do not even know what that means.  The name that I do not like the most in hypocrites.  Many people think we are hypocrites because they think that we think we are perfect and without flaw, and go around judging and condeming others of their sins.  That is not the case, we are just aware of God’s standard.. We know that we too fall short of it. Our goal is really just to show love and God’s word with all who come in contact with us (in a not creepy way)

I thought that the Did you Know video was extremely interesting.  Most, if not all, of the facts presented were all new to me.  What I learned was that our generation today is highly dependent on the Internet and technology.  From the video it seemed that it all kind of started around 1990, and has only gotten worse from there.  I can only imagine what technology will exist for my children or my grand children.  The video stated that much of what we learn will be out of date before we even graduate.  that worries me a little bit, because that means that the second we all graduate, we are already behind.  I will definitely take that into consideration when choosing a major.  Hopefully I can find a somewhat timeless career that will be relevant for a long time.  The video also said that colleges are currently training for jobs that do not even exist yet… that is crazy to me! But that makes me question what kind of jobs those might be, and how long it will be until they do exist?? I could search the internet to learn more about the stuff in this video. 

I reviewed the wellness lesson on stress that Liz and her group did.  I found it very informative and helpful.  To my surprise, I learned things that I had no idea had to do with stress.  I really liked how their presentation opened with the dictionary meaning for stress.  For a college student such as all of us, stress is a very prominent thing in most of our lives.  The video of ten ways to relieve yourself from stress was very interesting! I did not know that just smiling, even for no reason, could literally make you happier or less stressed.  I bet allot of people don’t realize that your posture and the way you breath can also effect your stress level; I know I didn’t know that.  I think it was smart to include harmful ways of dealing with stress.  At our age those are the ways that many people turn to, and not only do they not help, they make the matter worse.  Over all I think that the whole lesson was a success and thoroughly researched. I think that I learned allot

I reviewed the wellness lesson on stress that Liz and her group did.  I found it very informative and helpful.  To my surprise, I learned things that I had no idea had to do with stress.  I really liked how their presentation opened with the dictionary meaning for stress.  For a college student such as all of us, stress is a very prominent thing in most of our lives.  The video of ten ways to relieve yourself from stress was very interesting! I did not know that just smiling, even for no reason, could literally make you happier or less stressed.  I bet allot of people don’t realize that your posture and the way you breath can also effect your stress level; I know I didn’t know that.  I think it was smart to include harmful ways of dealing with stress.  At our age those are the ways that many people turn to, and not only do they not help, they make the matter worse.  Over all I think that the whole lesson was a success and thoroughly researched. I think that I learned allot

I reviewed the wellness lesson on stress that Liz and her group did.  I found it very informative and helpful.  To my surprise, I learned things that I had no idea had to do with stress.  I really liked how their presentation opened with the dictionary meaning for stress.  For a college student such as all of us, stress is a very prominent thing in most of our lives.  The video of ten ways to relieve yourself from stress was very interesting! I did not know that just smiling, even for no reason, could literally make you happier or less stressed.  I bet allot of people don’t realize that your posture and the way you breath can also effect your stress level; I know I didn’t know that.  I think it was smart to include harmful ways of dealing with stress.  At our age those are the ways that many people turn to, and not only do they not help, they make the matter worse.  Over all I think that the whole lesson was a success and thoroughly researched. I think that I learned allot